Isn't it great what you can do nowadays? I decided it might be nice to promote my new book, so I went to the local camera shop and using a simple JPEG file, I got a T-shirt in an hour, promoting my book for about the same price as promoting someone else's product (and I never have understood why people pay to wear a shirt advertising a brand of shoes or jeans! You'd think the company would hand out the shirts for free). I also got a shirt with my last book, Crime Time, on it, but haven't yet worn it. As soon as I can, I'll get someone to take a photo of me in that one.
Meanwhile, I got my nephew Mark to take some photos of me in my lovely new shirt and am considering getting some mugs made up for friends who have already bought the book, so what do you give them?
I know this has been possible for years, but hey, this is my first time!
Here I am in it!
Hi Sue,
My mum has written a story which I have read and think it needs to be published.
How did you get Wolfborn published? What steps did you take?
Thanks for your help
Hi Jess,
Like other writers, I submit my stuff to publishers and hope they will buy it. The important thing is to find the right publisher. There's no point, for example, in sending a children's book to a company that publishes only adult books. I'm sure your Mum is checking this out. Is it a short story or a book? If it's a short story, what kind of short story is it? If it's science fiction or fantasy, there are magazines for this, including Andromeda Spaceways, the magazine for which I read submissions. You can find these on the Internet, they would all have web sites. If it's not, there are other kinds of magazines. The best thing to do is look in the book shops and see whatlooks most like the kind of book your mother has written. That publisher might be willing to read the manuscript.
Wolfborn took a very long time for me to sell. It was rejected many times, including by the lady who finally bought it. She liked it, but the publisher for which she was working at the time didn't publish that kind of fantasy. Then one day, when she was working for another publisher and needed a book to fill in a gap in the publishing schedule, she contacted me about this one.
Tell your Mum not to give up! What happened with Wolfborn goes to show that if a story is good enough, sooner or later it will sell!
She must be very proud to have a daughter who cares as much as you do.
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