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Monday, October 08, 2018

Just Been To See... The Woman Who Fell To Earth

Okay. I’ve been a Dr Who fan since my childhood. I missed quite a bit of the Baker era when it was on, because my parents insisted on watching the news on commercial stations and those clashed. But I’ve caught up over the years, especially since DVDs became available. I’ve also been able to pick up  the earlier ones, from William Hartnell onwards. They’re doing amazing stuff these days, putting together the bits left and animating the rest. Fortunately a lot of the original cast are still around, so can be asked to do the voices. 

When I discovered that the first episode of the Jodie Whittaker era was being presented on the  big screen at my local cinema, I bought a ticket and went. And I must say, it was the right decision. It felt like a movie, if a short one. When you’ve grown up in the era of the original Who, you’re used to low budget, to wobbly sets and aliens who look as if they have zippers up their backs, even if they haven’t. And you’re okay with it, because on the whole, the writing makes up for the tiny budget. These days, there is a lot more money and there is still plenty of good writing. Not always - I think, for example, that keeping on bringing back the Weeping Angels was a mistake. None of those episodes was anywhere near as good as the first, “Blink”. But plenty all the same. 

So, what was it like, apart from good to look at? 

Firstly, if you haven’t seen it, I will try to avoid too many spoilers, but I have to say, this still felt like the Doctor to me. She has the right cheekiness which shows up in the presence of the villain. There were touches of other versions of the Doctor that I recognised, but she will be her own person when the series gets going. Remember, it is the regeneration episode. Speaking of which, this is the first time I’ve heard the Doctor actually describe what regeneration feels like. No, I won’t tell you, because spoilers, but I loved it. And she still doesn’t approve of violence. I could almost hear Doctor 9 in one scene where she admonishes a character for doing it. (It did help that she had a northern accent like his.) 

Secondly, the new Companions will be fascinating. There are two young things who went to school together and an older man who is going to be interesting in his own right. It will be good to see them show what they can do. 

Thirdly, the storyline. A bit silly, but probably no sillier than, say, Rose, the episode that introduced the companion of that name, certainly no sillier than The Christmas Invasion

There’s not a lot more I can say without spoilers, but it was a nice evening and fun to spend it with fellow fans who applauded or cheered at the right moments! 

Over on Twitter right now, people are trying to persuade Neil Gaiman to write an episode after he said he liked it and that Jodie Whittaker felt like the Doctor to him. I imagine this season is all written, but you never know what might happen next. 

So, what did you think, if you’ve seen it? 


AJ Blythe said...

I haven't seen it but one of my Barbarians is a Whovian and he really enjoyed it and likes the new Doctor =)

Sue Bursztynski said...

Yes, she is very good. I’ve just seen the second episode and enjoyed it,