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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Retro Review: The Far Arena by Richard Ben Sapir

 An oil exploration expedition finds a man’s body frozen in the ice. He is a top Roman gladiator who got into trouble with Emperor Domitian and was sentenced to death, but not just to be thrown to the lions. His death was to be by drowning in the freezing cold “German Sea”. Escorted there by a squad of soldiers, he made friends with the leader and was offered the chance to make it quick with poison. 

Two thousand years later, he is still alive, with the poison having acted as a preservative for his cells, while not having had time to kill him. At first, he doesn’t believe he has travelled in time; a view of a plane flying overhead finally convinces him that he is a very long way from home, never to see family or friends again.

A nun who is an expert in ancient Latin, as opposed to Church Latin, becomes his interpreter and companion. Of course, she wants to know about the Christianity of his time. And did he meet anyone famous? It turns out he did. He wasn’t a Christian, but his wife was. To make her happy, he paid a Christian priest a small fee to marry them, some guy called Peter... Nobody special. 

It’s a touching, beautiful story, one I loved when I first read it, and still do. I loved the idea of the man out of time, so very far from home. The character was one I cared about, as he dealt with it all, and the nun had her own issues to deal with as they worked together.

There was even a bit of humour, as he figures out how to use modern ingredients on his breakfast table to make something that tastes at least vaguely like garum, that disgusting Roman fish sauce that they put on absolutely everything. 

This novel seems to be out of print in physical editions, but is easily available in ebook and audiobook. You can buy it either in Apple Books or Kindle. 

I do recommend it! 


Guillaume said...

Might be something for me to read for the next Yuletide.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You know, that's the basic "man out of time" plot of my beloved Captain America saga too, LOL! But this book sounds very intriguing! I'm going to get a Kindle copy of it if I can! Thanks for the recommendation.

Sue Bursztynski said...

Hi Guillaume! I hope you enjoy it!

Hi Debra! I’ll be interested to see what you think.

A latte beckons said...

This sounds so intriguing, Sue! When was it written?

Sue Bursztynski said...

Some time in the 1970s, I think, which is why it’s out of print. But you can get it in ebook.

AJ Blythe said...

Not sure about this one so I probably won't, because I have so many books in my TBR pile, I could not buy a book in 2021 and still have plenty to read. I'm trying hard to reduce the TBR pile!

Sue Bursztynski said...

Same here! Including at least one review copy. But it is a very good book!

Anonymous said...

i just got a 1978 paperback on ebay and it will be my next tbr

Sue Bursztynski said...

Hi, “Anonymous “, I do hope you enjoy it as much as I did.