
Friday, March 29, 2024

A To Z Blogging Challenge Reveal 2024

 I’ve been taking part in the A to Z Blogging Challenge for several years now. Every year I think I might sit it out and every year I come up with something after all. I have a hard time doing any blogging these days, due to family commitments, looking after my mother - and this year I have had to do that for over a month, as well as my regular three to four days a week. But I’m going to give it a go.

My original plan was to write about female SF/F writers - maybe next year. This morning I came up with another topic: villains! Fictional villains, of course. I really don’t want to get into arguments about real world nasties. It will be a mish mash - books, comics, films, mythology…whatever I’m in the mood for. I hope you will enjoy.


  1. "Villains" will be a rich source of subject-matter for an A-Z Challenge! Have fun!

  2. What an interesting theme. You always do such a good job. I'n looking forward to your A to Z.

  3. Look forward to following along. I sympathise with steering clear of real world villains, sometimes history more entertaining than fiction but real world nastiness can be too unpleasant.

  4. I'm happy you decided to take part. I missed the challenge last year, due to various commitments, and I missed it a lot! It feels good to be back. Because it's fun and kind of cosy :-)

  5. Thanks, Debra and Ann! I hope you will enjoy this.

    Hi Anne! Yes, I am a lover of history, but people have different opinions, and I really don’t want to get into arguments with people who think one of my real world villains is a hero. They argue enough about fictional characters on X/Twitter!

    Hi JazzFeathers, I did wonder where you were. I’ll look forward to seeing what goodies you have for us this year.


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