
Monday, January 28, 2019

Booktopia: Australia’s Favourite Author 2019 - The Finalists!

A bit of a disappointment this year. Last year there was a delightful month worth of voting and cutting down the list from fifty to the final ten to the winner. This time you had nearly a month to nominate, but no whittling down; instead there was a fairly short list, most of them writers for adults. Today is the first day of voting and Thursday is the last day, so if you want to vote, here is the link to the appropriate part of the Booktopia web site.

Do vote if you can! It will make the winner very happy and you get put in the draw for $1000 worth of books. I assume the book prize is Australia only, but I can’t see why booklovers from other countries can’t vote at least.


  1. I can see why the contest organizors would want to keep the voting restricted to folks from Australia. I am enjoying looking through the lists of authors and looking some of them up. I need to read more Australian literature.

  2. Enjoy! There are some wonderful authors on that list.

  3. I haven't voted this year. I haven't read much of late so I would just be voting for people I know (and there are a few on the list, but that doesn't seem like the right reason to vote for best author). I think I need to either get cracking on my TBR or just give up and give some (a lot) away.

  4. Yes, but they are just names, not particular books. I voted for those whose books I had read.

    Ah, the huge TBR pile...

  5. I don't know what I would do with $1K worth of books, as I have no more room on my shelves! Lol.

    I will, however, check out these authors, because I really don't know much about Australian writers. That's something that I have to do something about, so thanks for sharing!!

    Hope you're having a GREAT Saturday!! :)

    HUGS!!!! <3 <3 <3 :) :) :)

  6. Hi Maria! If you look at my A to Z from last April, my theme was Australian children’s and YA writers. đŸ™‚ I’m one, of course.


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