
Tuesday, April 03, 2018

The 2018 Guide To Manuscript Publishers: 172 Traditional Publishers: No Agent Required

Reposted from Amazon

This is a market guide to quite a few publishers, written by Emily Harstone  and published under the imprint of Authors Publish. They are not vanity presses and they are all publishers which consider unagented work. Each entry - under a theme, eg non fiction, literary fiction, science fiction - is thoroughly researched and, if there are issues with the company concerned, will tell you what they are. It doesn’t advise you not to submit, just tells you what problems you might have if you do. There are links to publisher web sites, including submissions guidelines, but also to forums on Absolute Write that discuss the publisher. Be aware that some of these Absolute Write discussions are several years old, but you do get to see what experiences writers have had with some of the publishers listed.

I have been flipping through this publication and making notes as I go. I’ve found the links very handy - something you couldn’t do in a print book! I have skipped ones that were not genres that interested me. Probably not a good idea to try reading this from cover to cover, but you don’t have to. The book ends with a useful glossary of publishing terms you may not know, and a section about submitting your work for publication.

I wouldn’t have minded a bit more information about royalties or advances, but I have found that many publishers just don’t tell you that on their submissions pages. Where there was information, the author has mentioned it.

This book has made my life a lot easier and saved me much research. Definitely recommended if you’re a writer looking for a publisher. Although these don’t require agents, you can have your agent send your work for you if you have one.

Available from Amazon


  1. The Red Shoe sounds really interesting. I love deep stories written from a child's point of view. Have a great day!

  2. Thanks, Heather! It is definitely worth reading... But you’ve commented on the wrong post. :)

  3. Anonymous3:55 AM

    I will have a look at this -thank you- publishing in the hard copy always seems just too far out of my reach and again and again I put it aside into the toooo hard basket. but as I have recently returned to blogging maybe i am getting closer to steeping up ...
    from the stheast coast of nsw...

  4. You can buy it on Amazon, but there is also a regular newsletter from this author that is very useful and is free.


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