
Saturday, January 14, 2017

Now Reading...John Glenn: A Memoir and Simon Schama's French Revolution book!

Sometimes you just have to have it in print. I had to order the John Glenn book because it wasn't on iBooks and it wasn't at Dymock's in Melbourne despite being on the web site. The staff member explained that the web site had a different warehouse; I'd be better off ordering on line and having it in ten days than waiting for the shop to get it from overseas. So I ordered on line and had the fascination of tracking it on the Australia Post web site. At one point it was actually in West Sunshine, where I work. If I hadn't been on holiday I could have had it that day! 

As it was, it arrived yesterday. My neighbour made sure it was on my doormat for me when I opened the door yesterday. I was utterly excited and delighted and, of course, started reading it right away. Only a chapter in, but interesting so far. He was of a working class family on his Dad's side(Mum was a primary teacher). His father started off working on the railroads, then became a plumber. 

And he started his passion for flying one day when his Dad was driving along and there was this man in a field offering rides in a biplane(this was only a couple of years after Lindbergh's flight). His Dad said he could come up with him or wait, but he was going to have that ride. The rest is history. 

I bought the Simon Schama book at Dymock's on Thursday. I'd gone there to meet my friend Bart, who had a birthday on Tuesday. We were going to have afternoon tea afterwards. He had hoped to do that at the elegant Hopetoun Tearooms, but the queue outside put us off. Amazing. The place is around 100 years old - you'd think by now it would be taken for granted! I'd never seen that before, either. So we crossed the road instead and had our tea and chocolates at Ganache. But the thing is, when I enter a bookshop I almost invariably leave with a book. Citizens actually is available in ebook, but... I just love anything by Simon Schama and, well, I couldn't leave without it. 

Anyone else like that about bookshops?


  1. "...when I enter a bookshop I almost invariably leave with a book." I know that feeling and with me it used to be several books. I stay far away from bookstores now (just can't afford them) and instead, I avail myself of Instafreebie or other free offers. I've found some good authors this way (and a lot that weren't my cup of tea). I bet John Glenn's life was very interesting, and I hope you enjoy the book. Have a great weekend!

  2. Yes, I mostly buy ebooks these days, having run out of room. But sometimes you just have to have the print version...


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