
Monday, October 03, 2016

A Strange Dream...

I have had a strange dream to share with you all. I went to see a performance of Harry Potter And The Cursed Child, paying $160 a ticket, and made the mistake of taking my mother, who even in real life would never enjoy it - and in real life I'd never drag her along. But that's dreams for you.

So, we get to the theatre and find that it's spread across two theatres, only one of which is actually getting to see anything. There is a narrow entrance between theatres, and you can sort of see something, but only if you pull aside a curtain and sit on the floor, as the seats are facing sideways to it.

My mother complains and, after a while, gets up and says she's going off for a chat outside with a gentleman who is also not enjoying the experience. They go off together as I call after her to come back when it's finished.

I sit on the floor at the back of the performance theatre and contemplate the large amount of money I've spent for a show I can hardly see at all. The little bits I can see do look interesting, but the enjoyment is just not there. Then I wake up.

While real shows don't actually go that far in making their patrons unhappy, I do recall my brother's in-laws saying they had paid $106 each to see an arena production of Aida and been unable to see anything except on the screen set up over the arena. Those were the cheapest seats. It has certainly put me off going to any arena productions! 

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