
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Look What I Got From Christmas Press!

These books were waiting for me on my doormat when I arrived home this evening. 

One is the latest of their beautiful series of "Two Tales" books, the other is a reprint of Libby Gleeson's very first book, newly illustrated by Beattie Alvarez, who has done a lot of illoing for Christmas Press, as well as editing the lovely anthology Once Upon A Christmas, in which I was lucky enough to have a story. I'm drooling over both books - such a pity I've had to part with most of my Two Tales books, but I just don't have the space on my shelves any more - and it's nice to know that young children in my family and among my friends' children and grandchildren can enjoy them.

I think it's wonderful to see small presses such as this one, Clan Destine and Ford Street reprinting classics that should never have gone out of print. It's something that small press can afford to do, as they are willing and able to try something different - a good reason why we should be supporting them.

Anyway, reviews to come! 


  1. What beautiful books! Congrats on getting into the anthology, and getting a copy so you can enjoy the other authors' stories too. Have a lovely time reading! :)

  2. Everything from Christmas Press is beautiful. It was founded by a YA fantasy writer and a couple of artists so it couldn't be anything else. ;-)


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