
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Belgian Friend!

Fellow book blogger Isabelle Frisch, a Belgian lady whose blog Lecture Toute Une Aventure(Reading Is An Adventure?) I follow and enjoy has posted to assure all her reading friends that all is well with her family and that her brother has returned safely from Bruxelles(I always wondered ... Now I know the correct spelling and pronunciation!)and has also been kind enough to  email and reassure friends personally.

It can be scary not knowing. One of our students, some years ago, spent all night waiting to be able to contact her brother, who worked at the World Trade Center. He was okay; apparently, he had attended a party the night before and was suffering a hangover, so was late for work. If he hadn't overdone the drinking the night before he might have been killed on 9/11!

It's becoming a scary world! A sad one. My thoughts go out to the families of those who were murdered last night.


  1. i think it was the least i could do. When we see something like that or a natural disaster hitting a place where someone we know live or is staying the fear grows quickly and to hight level, we often says knowledge is power can also be rassuring.
    As i do stress easily i wanted to avoid that to those i care...simple
    ( Reading is a whole Adventure ^^)

    thank you a lot for your kind words Sue

  2. Thanks for that, miki!

    Okay. Reading is a *whole* adventure ... as in "toute" - :-) If I'd translated that, it would have come out as the literal "all". And that wouldn't have worked.

  3. that's the magic of language but your translation wasn't bad simply not complete so don't worry ^^ i don't master english as well as you do French so together we will be whole^^

  4. Miki, you write an entire BLOG in English! I couldn't do that in French! :-)


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