
Saturday, August 15, 2015

TOC For This Year's Australian Best Fantasy And Horror Out Now!

And here's the link to the Ticonderoga web site, where you can see the list in full, and the cover:

Ticonderoga is one of Australia's amazing small presses that show you don't have to be a Penguin or a HarperCollins to publish wonderful books.

I have particular pleasure in mentioning this year's Best Australian Fantasy And Horror, because one of the stories in it is "Of Gold And Dust" by Michelle Goldsmith, a fellow Melbourne writer, and it was published in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #60, which I edited. This was only Michelle's second sale, but it will be far from her last, and one day I'll be able to say, "Oh, yes, I published her second paid story ever!" And it got into the Year's Best already! I was thrilled when a story of mine got a mention in a Terri Windling Year's Best, but Michelle's is actually being published!

Well done, Michelle! I am so proud of you.


  1. Look forward to reading the anthology, Sue. I'll keep an eye out for Goldsmith's work too. What a lovely supportive post.

  2. Thanks, Anthony! As I recall, I published YOUR second sale too. And you've been doing nicely since then. I can pick them! :-)

  3. Thanks, Sue. You did too!


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