
Saturday, August 29, 2015

ASIM 61 finally about to launch!

It has been way too long since my issue of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine came out and it will be just a bit longer because the layout artist is still finishing the ebook version, but here's a sneak peek at the cover:

And here's the blurb that goes with it, which you'll shortly find on the ASIM web site:

ASIM 61 Now In Pre-Launch, Still Waiting On Shipment Of Lemon-Soaked Paper Napkins
After much delay, ASIM 61 has arrived on the launch pad, packed with fiction, poetry and nonfic from David Barber, Mark Bondurant, Fred Coppersmith, A J Fitzwater, Kim Gaal, Sinthia J Higgen-Bottom, Kathleen Jennings, Ambelin Kwaymullina, Rich Larson, Sean Monaghan, Charlotte Nash, Patrice Sarath, George S Walker, and Sean Williams. The cover art (which shows a scene from Amanda Fitzwater's novella) is by Shauna O'Meara; other artists featured are SpAE and Lewis Morley. The print version is done; we're just waiting on the e-book editions before we press 'ignition', whereupon any small children still loitering on the launchpad will be instantly reduced to a charred residue.

All the contributors' copies are sent out, but I haven't seen it yet. Still, if our subscribers can be patient - not one complaint so far! - so can I. 

You'll notice there are quite a few local contributions on the list, including Sean Williams - welcome back to our pages, Sean!  Also Kathleen Jennings, who has usually done art for us, but shows her versatility here. Ambelin Kwaymullina's piece is her Continuum GoH speech. It was wonderful! It has been on the web site for some time, but it will be nice to have a copy in your hand. If you're a fan, her final Tribe novel has just come out, The Foretelling Of Georgie Spider. I am so jealous of that lady's ability to juggle while walking a tightrope and carrying things on her head, ie the fact that she could write all this wonderful stuff and do handcraft while teaching full time. She is an inspiration! 

If you want to order ASIM 61 when it's finally advertised in the near future, why not bookmark the website

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