
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Reading and Rereading Now

I'm carrying in my tote bag the new novel by Louis Sachar, Fuzzy Mud, this one aimed at younger readers - mid to late primary school. The heroine is in fifth grade and there is an issue with something mysterious a local lab is brewing. So far, quite readable. If I can get an hour or two to myself I should be able to finish it, then I'll share my thoughts with you.

Also carrying Blood Queen by Rhiannon Hart, which the author kindly sent me from England via Amazon. I've started it and I'll say at this point that you really do have to have read the others to understand what 's happening, so if you haven't, why not read them while you wait for my review? 

I've just picked up my battered copy of Harry Turtledove's AU Shakespeare novel, Ruled Britannia from the pile by my bed. I find it easier going than some of his other novels, as it's only seen from two viewpoints, Shakespeare and Spanish playwright and soldier Lope De Vega. As I said - battered. I've read it over and over!

And as I have my iPad in my tote bag, I've got hundreds more books in case I want a break from review copies! I'm rereading Dog Wizard by Barbara Hambly, the third in her Windrose Chronicles, which I seem to be enjoying more this time around. I'm being firm with myself and rereading this before I buy the newer Antryg Windrose novellas now available on iBooks. The author has self published quite a lot of ebook shorts and novellas set in her most popular universes, but so far these are the only ones I can find on iBooks and I'm not keen to go to Smashwords and offer up my card details, even if it does mean being able to read more Ben January adventures. I will just have to be patient. If you haven't yet discovered the delightful Antryg Windrose do get a copy of The Silent Tower - especially if Tom Baker is your favourite Doctor. Barbara Hambly is a Tom Baker Doctor fan girl and Antryg is Doctor 4, with cheap beads instead of a scarf! 

And I'm starting again with To Kill A Mockingbird, also on my iPad, before deciding if I am willing to take a chance on Go Set A Watchman, the "new" Harper Lee novel, written first but set twenty years later. I am not sure if I'm quite ready to see Atticus Finch as a racist and bigot who is fighting integration. I know he's based on the author's father, but Mr Lee STARTED as a racist and changed his mind while she was writing the book.

There have been some positive reviews, even by people who loved the first book, but others have just not been able to cope with it. I have been known to be unable to wait, especially now I can just hit the "buy" button on iBooks. And the thing about ebooks is that you can't give away any that you didn't enjoy.  So, again, being firm! 

There are some online pieces about the celebration in her home town, with public readings, parties and people costuming as Atticus! Go take a look, it's delightful. 

What do you think, readers? Are you planning to read it? Already reading? 

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