
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Countdown To The Ditmar Awards

I thought I'd done a post here, but found the only post I had done on this year's Ditmar Awards for speculative fiction(Australia's answer to the Hugos) was on the Andromeda Spaceways blog, so here's a link to the shortlist:

If you were at Conflux, last year's Australian national convention, or if you're a member of this year's national convention, Continuum X, even just a supporting member, you can vote and the deadline is just before midnight next Wednesday.

Here's the link to that site:

There is some terrific stuff on that list, though it would have been nice to see this blog up there on the  shortlist - I do seem to make it to the Chronos list, anyway.

One of the shortlisted artists is Dick Jenssen, whose nickname is Ditmar and I think is the one after whom the award is named - he's still going strong, anyway, doing some gorgeous fanzine covers. Another is Kathleen Jennings, whose art has appeared regularly in ASIM. And one of the "new talent" list is Michelle Goldsmith, who sold her second story to me for ASIM 60.

Go check it out, even if you can't vote - there is a lot of small press stuff there, not surprising in a country where the big publishers tend to publish mostly Fat Fantasy Trilogies. I 'd love some
 opinions on the shortlisted books and stories and art, even if you're on the list yourself.


  1. I can't wait, hope to do some spot interviews while I am there.

  2. Maybe this time I'll get to meet you, then? :-) What do you think of the books, though? A good list? I'm betting you've read most of them.


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