
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Free ebook on Amazon

Recently, I won a free book on English Historical Fiction Authors blog. It was At Drake's Command, an historical novel by David Wesley Hill, and is an adventure about Drake's second circumnavigation of the globe, when he said he was going on a trade voyage to Egypt, but was off pirating against the Spanish. Well, privateering is what they call it when you do it with your government's approval and his government certainly made a profit out of this voyage!

The story is seen from the viewpoint of Peregrine James, a boy who has recently joined the crew as an assistant cook. Personally, I think it's YA, but the author says he couldn't sell it as such. I am thoroughly enjoying it so far, and you can do the same, and you can tell me whether you think it's YA or adult. If you have a Kindle or a Kindle app, you can get the ebook free right now. It's free for April 16-17( for me, it's the 17th, but if you live in the northern hemisphere, it may still be the 16th.

Here's the link:

And here are pics of actors who played in the TV series many years ago, John Thaw as Drake and Paul Darrow as Thomas Doughty.


  1. This looks interesting! Have to check it out :)

    Sarah Allen
    (From Sarah, With Joy)

  2. Let me know what you think of it. :-)

  3. Hi, Sue, thanks for mentioning Drake. Right now it's the #1 free Sea Adventure Kindle download on Amazon, which is pretty amazing. So I've decided to extend the free promotion a couple days, through Saturday, April 20, 2013! Thanks, again! David Hill

  4. Congratulations, David. This post has had a fair number of hits so far, hopefully it will have more before your extended offer ends. You might like to tweet it.


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