
Monday, April 15, 2013

Chronos Shortlisting - Yay!

This morning I woke up feeling awful. I went to work yesterday with the start of a horrible cold and simply couldn't go in today; you really can't teach if you can't speak well.

I opened my email as usual, though, and while I couldn't do anything about the throat, the sniffles or the coughs, I felt much better. There was an email from Edwina Harvy, co-editor, with Simon Petrie, of the wonderful anthology Light Touch Paper Stand Clear, which is up for a best collection Ditmar. There were two shortlisted stories from the anthology up for a Chronos, Victoria's answer to the WA Tin Duck Awards - Adam Browne's Steampunk tale  The D-d and my own story, Five Ways To Start A War.

I would like to thank anyone who nominated my story and helped get it on the shortlist. And thanks to anyone who nominated either of the oters, which aren't there, but nice of you anyway.  Much appreciated! This is only the second time anything of mine has got as far as a shortlist, though I have had two CBCA Notables, and that was plenty exciting! The other shortlisting was for my book Crime Time:Australians Behaving Badly, which scored a Davitt shortlisting the other year, for crime writing. It was never going to win, among all those non fiction books for adults. But it was nice to be recognised.

If you'd like to read my story, it's part of a collection of Chronos eligibles I whipped together - check it out on the side of this page. That version is only in ePub, but I can send a PDF on request, for Kindle or just for your computer.

If you'd like a taste of Adam's story plus all the others in that collection, there's another link here o the Peggy Bright a books web site, where a free sampler is available in ePub, PDF or Mobi.


  1. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Congratulations Sue. It's a great story.

  2. Thanks, Jen! I thought your story in Mythic Resonance was pretty damn good too.


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