
Friday, March 22, 2013

And Some More Great Reviews For Wolfborn!

It's nice to be getting lovely reviews for your book two years after publication. It has only recently come out in the US, but once a book is out, a publisher simply doesn't have time to continue the promotion though they will co-operate if you can arrange your own promo. So I have been approaching blogs about reviewing it and have had some that didn't bother to reply, even though my inquiry was personalised and chosen for appropriateness- heavens, I reply, even if to say no, unless it's clearly been sent to a hundred blogs at once or is laughably inappropriate, showing the author hasn't read my policy - and some said yes. I've had five reviews out of it, but only two in the US, where my publishers could have sent a copy, so I reached into my stash and paid my own postage. However, promo is always good! And most recently, I am very pleased to have got in touch with Sherre of Beckoned By Books, Cassie of Knows Prose and Hollie of Music, Books And Tea.

As they have all posted their reviews on Amazon, on the same page, I'm giving you the link to that, here although their web sites are all well worth a visit if you love books and reading, especially YA.

The reviews are on the Kindle page, though you can also buy it in iBooks and, of course, order it in print.


  1. Wow, I'm so glad people in the States appreciate that great book! It's one of my fave YAs of recent years, and I hope it sells a million over there!

    Such lovely reviews - well-balanced, but highly commendatory. Good stuff.

  2. Oh, thanks so much for your good wishes and nice thoughts, Satima! Do check out those bloggers when you have time, they're great. Hollie lives in England, where the book isn't available right now, but enough reviews like tat and maybe people will demand it in their bookshops. :-)


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