
Saturday, March 23, 2013

About That Ebook I Was Going To Give You...

Yesterday I put up a post, which I have temporarily withdrawn, about celebrating my hundred thousandth hit on this blog with a little ebook of my published ASIM stories. Only problem is that it didn't work. Well, it did, but despite my careful following of the instructions about refining my choice of posts to include, I got not only the stories but ALL the posts that made up a previous ebook, the anthology of Sunshine College student writing.

 Now, that's a great ebook and if you want to read some wonderful stuff written by teenagers at my school, there's a link on the side of this page to it. But I didn't want that. I wanted three stories I had sold to Andromeda Spaceways some years ago to be available to anyone who wanted to read them.

So, I am going to email the lovely folk at Ebook Glue to see if they can make sense of it and meanwhile, if you don't mind taking a litte extra trouble, email me - the address is up there under "Contact Me" - or put a comment below, with your email address,  and I will send you the Creative Book Builder version, which has a prettier cover. No Kindle option, I'm afraid, but PDF and ePub are both available. The stories are "Bytepals" - a very silly story about teenagers, chatrooms and vampires, which made it into the first Best Of ASIM fantasy anthology, "Choices" in which the sorceress Nimue, Merlin's apprentice, tries to stop Camelot from falling and "Of Loaves, Fishes And Mars Bars" in which a family has had a really cheap looking cup for generations and start to suspect it might be much, much more than it seems - that one got an Honorable Mention in the annual Best Fantasy And Horror anthology edited by Kelly Link and Ellen Datlow. I still get that book out and preen every now and then. One day, who knows, something I wrote might actually be in there, but hey, someone in that publication liked my story enough to at least mention it was worth reading! And they read a LOT of stories.

Why not get in touch and ask for it? It's FREE, guys!


  1. hum...L i admit that since it's a pdf i'm more interested now than before ^^;;
    i will see if i wait or if i contact you without waiting^^

    take care

  2. I think I have your email somewhere. I'll send it. Hope you like it!


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