
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Things To Come On The Great Raven In July

Friday is my last day of work for two weeks. This weekend I am beginning to prepare a number of treats for your enjoyment, good readers!

There will be an interview with, and guest post by,Duncan Long, a cover artist I met via LinkedIn. Duncan has done work for everyone from Pocket Books and HarperCollins to self-published authors and has some fascinating things to tell about the process and the problems involved.

Tehani Wessely, my former ASIM colleague, is a publisher, an editor, a teacher-librarian and a judge for such things as the Aurealis Awards and the CBCA Awards.I don't know how she manages it all, but I will be finding out as soon as I have prepared some questions she has kindly agreed to answer.

And, over the month of July, there will be some guest posts from the contributors and editors from Light Touch Paper Stand Back. It was so successful with Mythic Resonance, I thought I would do it again. I hope you'll all enjoy these posts, whether you have the book or not. So far, we have on board Joanne Anderton, Adam Browne, the wonderful cover artist Les Petersen,Ripley Patton, Brenda Cooper,Thoraiya Dyer, the editors Edwina Harvey and Simon Petrie and, dare I say it, a short post from company head honcho Liz Bright herself!

So stand by for a fabulous month!


  1. Thanks goodness for school holidays. It's a good time for those of us who drive to work. Sounds like lots of exciting things happening around the blog. Looking forward to it.

  2. I will be able to sleep in! By the way, I forgot to mention there will also be an interview with YA writer Fiona Wood, author of Six Impossible Things, which was on last year's CBCA shortlist and was mentioned at a Continuum panel by no less Han the international GoH, Kelly Link.


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