
Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Snapshot 2012 - Including Me!

The last few days leading up to Continuum 8, the Aussie Natcon, have been the annual series of interviews known as Snapshot, in which makers of Aussie spec fic, writers and publishers alike, have been given the chance to talk about their work on various blogs. This year, I was one of those invited, by Tehani Wessely, who has published one of my short stories at her small press Fablecroft. Here's the link to the interview with me(I admit I was a bit wordy) and after you've had a look at that you might like to check out the rest. There are some amazing people on Tehani's blog alone, and there's a list of links to the others.

It has occurred to me that, due to her being an interviewer, Tehani has not actually had an interview herself. I may ask her. Tehani has a fascinating history as publisher, reviewer, editor and, wearing her teacher-librarian hat, as a judge in the CBCA Awards, not to mention the Aurealis...

Stand by while I ask her. :)


  1. Congrats on being asked for an interview Sue. I tried to clock on the link but it didn't work for some reason.

  2. Drat! I copied and pasted. I'll see if I can fix it later. Meanwhile, why not just go to the web site itself and click into the links on site?

  3. Okay, that's working now. You can click through.

  4. I didn't even think to just go straight to the post. Very lazy. Tried to leave a comment but don't know if it worked. Great interview. It's always good to be able to read about where authors get their influences from. And for what it's worth, I enjoyed Wolfborn more than Burn Bright!


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