
Sunday, April 08, 2012

Discovering Nansi Kunze

I'm lying in bed listening to ABC Classical FM, The Sorcerer's Apprentice being played on the piano. I'm afraid I will always think of Mickey Mouse when I hear this, but why not? Fantasia was a very special movie. And I bet it introduced many children to classical music.

But on to the main theme of this post. I have been getting stuck into the books of those writers with whom I will be sharing a spot at this weekend's events. The only one whose books I couldn't find, for some reason, was Nansi Kunze. According to the catalogue, we do have at least one of her books, I just can't find it. Perhaps it was stolen, more likely a staff member helped herself for a literacy box without checking it out.

Anyway, it's not there, so I went to iBooks and found two ebooks to download. ( I love iBooks - you can pay via a voucher without having to risk card details!). The books were Dangerously Placed and Mishaps. I am wondering why I haven't discovered this delightful writer before. The first-mentioned is about a murder in VR space. Geeky girl Alex gets a much-coveted work experience at Virk, an office in virtual space. The staff are all over the world but meet in VR space. You'd think it wouldn't be possible to commit murder in this situation, wouldn't you? But it happens to the unpopular boss. Read and find out how. It reminded me a bit of that Ben Elton novel in which a murder happens in a Big Brother house.

The one I'm reading now, Mishaps, features a girl who is not merely a klutz, she just has bad luck time after time. The best word to describe this, I suggest,is the Yiddish word schlimazl. And being a schlimazl just might be genetic according to a science genius at her school... I'll be reviewing both properly later, but meanwhile, this is a writer I can highly recommend for those who want a break from paranormal romance. I'd give it to girls who have been enjoying Lili Wilkinson's YA fiction and don't mind a touch of spec fic in their reading.

1 comment:

  1. I'm afraid Fantasia springs to mind when I hear the Sorcerer's Apprentice aswell. Association's a funny thing is it not?

    Just found your blog, and really like it, will probably follow.

    Don't mean to spam but I started a blog not too long ago and would love if you could take a look? hope I'm not being a bother. I review books and music.


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