
Monday, March 19, 2012

What you can look forward to!

At this point, I have one more post by Jen White, which I will put up tomorrow. Jen's story is set firmly in Australia and the background is taken from her own experience. Keep an eye out!

 I am looking forward to receiving posts from Alan Baxter and Satima Flavell, then a post to round off the Mythic Resonance contributions from editor Stephen Thompson, who will tell us about the book from the editor's viewpoint. All going well, Margo Lanagan, who wasn't in the anthology but has written along these lines, has agreed to appear on the Raven some time after she returns from China. 


  1. I hope you've received my post by now, Sue.

  2. Um, no, sorry, Satima! Can you please re-send? Thanks! :-)


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