
Friday, February 17, 2012

Welcome, Abby, Melpomene and Terry!

Welcome to my newest followers!

Terry Morris is a Melbourne SF fan, librarian and baby photographer whom I've known for years through fandom. I'm following her son Raph's blog. Actually, Terry has been following this blog under another name for some time, but I'll keep that private. ;-) She does have a blog, but it's under her pseudonym, so when she gives me permission I will add a link.

Melpomene is a Melbourne poet, who in her day job is a teacher studying teacher-librarianship. We met on Twitter and, as we both love YA books and work in disadvantaged state schools, have plenty in common, including running literary clubs in the library at lunchtime.

Abby, AKA The Director, is a young blogger in the US who runs a wonderful blog called Castles, Quills and Cameras. We met on her web site when I commented on her post about the movie of Eagle of the Ninth. I think it's great when teenagers are running their own blogs, especially when they are as mature and articulate as Abby - so much so that I didn't know how young she was till she mentioned it in an email.


  1. *blushes* Thank you for the sweet welcome! To be honest, I would have followed you sooner, but for some reason, I thought I already was! Anyway, I'm glad I'm following you now. :)

  2. You're following me on Goodreads, actually.:-) and it's lovely having you here.


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