
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Review Policy Update

Hi guys.

I've updated my review policy to make it clearer, since I've had a review request I can't help with. (Check it out) At this stage I'm not planning to review anything I can't either buy in the shops or order and get in my letterbox. Sorry! Don't get me wrong - I absolutely adore my new e-reader facility!

But for a number of reasons, I don't want to use it for reviewing. Firstly, you can't curl up in bed with an e-book. Well, I can't, anyway. For bedtime, when I do much of my reading, I really prefer paper which I can then lay on my bedside table with a bookmark in it.

Secondly, and most important, there's my major reason for reviewing books, apart from knowing what's out there and my own love of reading: I like to donate my review copies to my hard-pressed school library (anyone who has been following this blog for a while will know that last year, my already tiny budget was slashed in half). I can't, alas, catalogue an e-book and put it on the shelves when I've finished reading it. My library software doesn't handle that.

Also, I'm asking anyone who would like me to review their book to please ask first, not send me the book itself.

If any of you bloggers out there would like to read and review a new indie title sent to me in PDF, email me and I'll forward it to you, along with the author's email address. 


  1. Urgh! Tell me about it. I have this big red message up on my review policy which says that I'm not accepting review books for the foreseeable future and people just ignore it and send me stuff anyway! No I know how agents feel.

  2. In all fairness, I hadn't made my wishes clear. That's why I updated. I have arrangements with publishers,of course, who do often just send me stuff. I'm referring to individuals. I'd just prefer an inquiry, that's all.

  3. Hey Sue,

    Enjoyed reading through your blog this morning.

    I'm the author The Inquisitive Gene, Book One: Mother is Coming and Book Two: The Human Cull. Two novels taking on an unconventional mixture of science fiction, fantasy and suspenseful-thriller.

    I would love to send you a paperback copy if you're interested in reading?

    Thanks for your time,

    Zino Tutt

    p.s. you can check out the website for more info in you're intrigued -

  4. Thanks for the offer, Zeno, but I’m afraid I must decline, as a glance at your web site suggests it isn’t really the type of book I review. Sorry!


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