
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mythic Resonance - it's coming!

This is an anthology in which I have a story - coming soon! Honest! Great cover, isn't it? And especially nice because, having a name early in the alphabet, I'm near the top of the list.

Not sure when it will be out, because apparently the printer is giving us trouble, so I will have to be patient a little longer, but I'll let it be known when it's out and I have a copy in my hot little hand.

This anthology, being published by Specusphere, is on the theme of myths and legends. Mine is based on Snow White, seen through the eyes of the dwarfs - or, rather dwarves, who are more like something out of Tolkien than Disney. I wrote it long ago, put it aside after not selling it, then dusted it off and rewrote it for this one. I was keeping my fingers crossed and waiting with bated breath as it got on to the short list, and finally got the good news that it had been selected - yay!

It was edited by the wonderful Satima Flavell, who helped me make it look its best.

I must admit, I'd never realised how many versions of Snow White there were till I did this story. There's a web site called SurLaLune, recommended by Juliet Marillier at the Swancon fairy tale workshop last year, which really opened my eyes as to how many versions there are of all fairy and folk tales. I knew it in theory, but on this web site I got to see them. Terrific site, check it out if you like folklore and if you're into myths and legends and great spec fic writing, keep an eye out for this anthology when it's available.


  1. I don't think there could every be enough Snow White or Beauty and the Beast retellings. Looking forward to reading this one.

  2. There are African versions of Snow White. There's an Irish version of Bluebeard. Beauty and the Beast? All over! Native American, South American, will be a great anthology. Satima Flavell wrote a fascinating post about the publication process on her blog.


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