
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Give-away

Give-aways seem to be a big thing on YA book blogs, so I'm joining the YA Fantasy Book Giveaway on I Am A Reader Not A Writer and have added the Great Raven to the list. I will add the information to the permanent Pages on the side of this web site in the next day or two, but basically, it works like this: I have two copies of Wolfborn to give to two lucky readers who make contact in the period January 6th to 12th. If I can, I'll put up one of those Linky forms, otherwise it will just be a matter of asking and if I get a few I'll draw names out of a hat. You have to follow me, either on this web site, on Twitter or on Goodreads, to enter, so if you aren't already following, why not do yourself a favour and start? :-) Keep an eye on this page. Oh, and check out the sample chapter. It's there permanently now.


  1. LOL Sue. You'll get more than a few entries. Normally any giveaway on that blog will draw about 200+ entries :)

  2. Well, I've tried this before, as you know, including with your help, and I only got a handful of entries, but if there are 200, fine, there will still only be two books. I'll pull names out of a hat. They have to be followers to enter - I need to check out Linky again - so hopefully those 200 folk will come along, enjoy the site and stay. It's all in the interests of promotion. ;-)

  3. The think the clincher last time was that the entrants had to read the chapter first. Most book bloggers are too busy to do that in a short time. But if it's a straight google follow, trust me, they will do it!

  4. We'll see. In any case, the sample chapter is up, permanently (see the side bar). And I'm planning to put up a sample chapter of Crime Time as well, if I can. Just waiting for permission from my publisher - don't think he'll mind.
    At this stage, I may just require comments from anyone willing to follow me, here or on Twitter or Goodreads.


I love comments! Do comment - I will reply.