
Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Wolfborn Giveaway 2

Thanks to those who have requested a sample chapter. The winners of the signed copies are Saskia Largent of Teamouse Book Reviews and Tina Young of Book Couture. Enjoy, ladies! I've sent off your copy, Sas, and will send off Tina's as soon as I can get to a post office. Lan Chan of The Write Obsession asked for a copy, although she'd read it, so she could do a giveaway herself and this is now arranged. If you'd like a sample after all, do drop me a line, but also go to The Write Obsession, where we're doing the giveaway and I'm answering questions asked by readers there. I've also sent Lan a copy of the MP3 CD with George Ivanoff reading bits from his novel and mine. I'll be happy to send this to anyone who wants it, but read the PDF first if you're interested - and then feel free to share both of these with friends - it's all promo for me! :-) It would have been nice to have had more inquiries for this freebie, but let's see if Tina and Lan can get more interest on their web sites - so far, there are several on Lan's and Tina has just put up a post about it. Thanks, everyone!


  1. Thank you so much Sue! I received my copy in the mail today and I'm already half way through; it's very richly imagined. Hopefully I'll get to put up a review soon.

    x Tina @

  2. Thanks, Tina, glad you're enjoying it. You must be, if you're already halfway through! ;-) I'll look forward to seeing what you have to say. And feel free, by the way, to share that PDF I sent you.

  3. You must know You can send Me a chapter, I'd love to read some of Your work. :)



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