
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New stat counter

Today I decided it was about time to let you all see how many hits I'm getting. There are other web sites getting more, but I'd say I have a respectable number. Thing is, I don't have 695 public followers like some other bloggers and those I do have don't comment very often, so I thought I'd like to reassure anyone I review on this web site that yes, people WILL be reading about your book here, whether they comment or not. There are writers out there who are aware of this site and like it very much - and others who don't put links up from their own sites even when I've given them a very good review.

I had a chat about this issue with Paul Collins, who suggested it might be because I seem to have so few followers, so I thought it might be a good time to show the hits. These don't count my own checks of my site after I've published; you can select this as an option on Blogger.

Speaking of putting links up, here's one to Anthony Panegyres' site - he's on my blog roll, but has recently given Wolfborn a nice review, go take a look. And thank you, Anthony!:

A Brief Look At Wolfborn

There have been plenty more, by others, I just haven't got around to putting in links, but really must put in some of my favourites in the next day or two instead of complaining others don't do links to my reviews!


  1. I regret to say that most of my hits are from people looking for a translation of a German drinking toast. And others who have shingles. If I removed those two posts my hits would probably fall by 50%!

  2. Hi Sue! Thought I'd pop by and say hello. Good to talk to another Melbourne YA writer AND one who is with RHA/Woolshed too. I started Wolfborn this morning and I am loving it. Heartening to hear that about royalties, as not long now till my book comes out. Feel free to email me at rhi.hart at if you want to chat.

  3. How very strange, Satima! Well, *I* read and enjoy your blog, so there! And you seem to get more comments than I do. Sometimes I wonder if anyone's there, then I check out my stats and I know they are.

    Hi Rhiannon, welcome to the Great Raven! You're doing well if you've got an agent, and such an impressive one - I gave up long ago and just sold my own books. Glad you like my novel so far. I'll ask for a copy of yours to review when it comes out. Right now I'm working on my reviews for a pile of books that I've had for a while. I'll get in touch with you via your email, maybe we can have coffee some time.


I love comments! Do comment - I will reply.