
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Welcome Ruzkin!

I have added a link to the new web site of Ruzkin, writer extraordinaire and enthusiastic counter gent at Of Science And Swords Bookshop. Ruzkin, aka Chris, is a writer of speculative fiction who would like to be published in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine and hopefully will be at some stage. We read our slush blind, so I have no way of knowing if I have rejected any of his work or not.

Go take a look at Ruzkin's blog. It's worth the time.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers Sue! I have been rejected by Andromeda before, and I'm thankful - the advice I received was excellent, and was also the kick in the pants I needed to take that story through another two drafts and chop almost 2000 words. I'd re-sub that story, except it's been up on my site for a while now and I think that might be breaking the rules =P

    Thanks tons for the shout-out!


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